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The Random Rundown


1.  The LOWEST point in the Interstate Highway System, elevation-wise, is the Fort McHenry Tunnel, which carries traffic on I-95 underneath the Baltimore Harbor.  The tunnel is 107 feet below the harbor water’s surface.



2.  The word “gymnasium” comes from the Greek word “gymnazein,” which literally translates to “exercise naked.”



3.  The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in D.C. was designed by a 21-year-old architecture student at Yale named Maya Lin.  Her professor had given her a “B” for the design, and he also submitted his own design proposal . . . which obviously lost.



4.  The Vikings believed that in heaven there was a giant goat whose udders provided an unlimited supply of beer.



5.  “Rich Girl” by Hall & Oates wasn’t actually about a girl . . . it was about a GUY named Victor Walker who came from a rich family in Chicago.  But Daryl Hall thought the title “Rich Girl” sounded better than “Rich Guy”.

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