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The Random Rundown

  1. Your signature could reveal personality traits. A study in 2016 purportsthat among men, a larger signature correlates with higher social bravado and, among women, a bigger signature correlates with narcissistic traits.
  2. Bananas are radioactive. Due to being rich in potassium, every banana is actually slightly radioactivethanks to containing the natural isotope potassium-40. Interestingly, your body contains around 16mg of potassium-40, meaning you’re around 280 times more radioactive than a banana already. Any excess potassium-40 you gain from a banana is excreted out within a few hours.
  3. Hippos can’t swim. Hippos really do have big bones, so big and dense, in fact, that they’re barely buoyant at all. They don’t swim and instead perform a slow-motion gallop on the riverbedor on the sea floor. In fact, hippos can even sleep underwater, thanks to a built-in reflex that allows them to bob up, take a breath, and sink back down without waking.
  4. You don’t like the sound of your own voice because of the bones in your head. This may be because the bones in our head make our voice sound deeper.
  5. You remember more dreams when you sleep badly. Research suggests that if you sleep badly and wake up multiple times throughout the night you will be more likely to recall the content of any dreamsyou had. You are also more likely to remember a dream when woken from one.

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