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Be The Umpire!

It’s Little League season, so it’s time to enjoy warm evenings watching youth baseball . . . while trying to ignore that annoying parent who won’t stop screaming at the volunteer umpire behind the plate.



A town in New Jersey has already had several umpires walk off after being harassed by parents, so they’ve come up with a PUNISHMENT.



If you’re caught berating an umpire during a game, you’ll be banned from the complex . . . UNLESS you agree to suit up as an umpire yourself, and call THREE games.  The idea is:  If you’re such a know-it-all, grab some gear . . . step behind the plate . . . and prove how great you are.



Naturally, most of these loudmouths actually DON’T know baseball all that well.  So there will still be a certified umpire at the game to make sure the correct calls are made.  And of course other parents will let THEM know when they’re wrong.



Local parents and Little League officials LOVE the idea, and so it’s possible it could catch on.

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