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4 Things Toddlers Do That Could Help You Sleep



According to experts the key to a great nights sleep isn’t trying to sleep like a baby, its trying to sleep like a toddler!

The big 4 that we can take from a toddler’s bedtime routine that could help us sleep are:

  1. Set A Consistent Bedtime
    • Most experts agree a consistent bedtime is key to good sleep. Just ask any toddler
  2. Take A Bath
    • Taking a warm bath or shower about one to two hours before bed can help you fall asleep faster
  3. Put On Lotion
    • Putting on lotion and giving yourself a slight massage can help relax you before bed.
  4. Do Something Quiet Before Bed
    • This is the one I feel we all struggle with. Toddlers normally get story time with their parents. Doing something quiet and calming can help your mind fall asleep easier. So NO phone or tv before bed!


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