If you haven’t been to Cushwa Brewing Co’s taproom within the last week or so, a new painting will be waiting there to great you!
It’s a massive skeleton guzzling down some of that delicious Cushwa beer
It was painted in 24 hours by Maryland muralist Goodloe Byron and he described it as:
“The River God at Cushwa brewery! This 90’ mural celebrates the cushwa basin specifically the conococheague which runs down by the brewery (or and empties into the Potomac there (in the river gods gullet) the beer rains down from the river gods mouth fertilizes the crops below which the underworld brewers and agriculturalists use to make another giant beer for the river god, and the cycle continues”
Pretty cool stuff!
So check out the new mural and drink some awesome beer at Cushwa!
And make sure to follow Goodloe on Instagram: @goodloe.byron