So over the weekend, I had an AMAZING burger that had sautéed onions, bacon and…. peanut butter. Yes, peanut butter! I know it sounds weird but I promise you it tasted amazing.
So it got me thinking about picky eaters and how they would never even try this. So I looked up some things online and found a list of the top food picky kids have issues with. (Sorry Adults who are picky eaters, I guess no one talks about you) And I gotta say I still agree with at least the top 4. So maybe I am a picky kid?
What I found from this list was basically if its any type of fish that isn’t a fish stick, you’re going to have some issues. And something that surprised me was that chicken drumsticks made the list. I’ve never met a kid that wouldn’t eat a drumstick!
The top 20 list of issue foods for picky kids
1. Sprouts
2. Mushrooms
3. Olives
4. Onions
5. Prawns
6. Broccoli
7. Cous cous
8. Salmon
9. Peppers
10. Tomatoes
11. Lettuce
12. Tuna
13. Peas
14. Carrots
15. Cod
16. Eggs
17. Gammon ham
18. Beef steak
19. Beef mince
20. Chicken drumsticks