1.Kids can be the real Valentine’s Day winners.
Valentine’s Day has typically been associated with romantic love and partnership. Interestingly enough, according to a Today show survey that polled 1,500 people, only 59% of spouses planned on giving their partners a gift, while 85% of parents planned to give their children something on February 14.
2.Nearly 250 million roses are grown in preparation for Valentine’s Day each year.
There is a science to ensuring that there are enough fresh roses to go around when it comes to February 14. In an effort to provide the flowers for the holiday, countries including Ecuador, Kenya, or Columbia ship the roses to the U.S., since they do not grow in the colder temperatures we experience in February.
3.The color of flower given on Valentine’s Day holds meaning.
While a red rose has traditionally symbolized love, other colors like deep pink, purple or white — which symbolize happiness, royalty and sympathy respectively — may be given on the holiday too.
4.Candy is the most popular gift to give.
According to the National Retail Federation, most people will give candy and greeting cards to their loves, although many will also spend money on flowers, gift cards and clothing. But the biggest expenses are jewelry and activites. “Americans plan to spend more than $5.5 billion on jewelry and nearly $4.4 billion on a special evening out,” the site said.
5.More than 8 billion conversation hearts are manufactured each year ….
And Necco has to make them all ‘year round. Each box has approximately 45 sayings — including “True Love,” “Hug Me” and “You Rock” — but you can personalize your own, too. But don’t worry if you still have last year’s box — they have a shelf life of five years.