Kids love the holidays. But what EXACTLY do they love about them? Like, in order.
Someone looked into it with a new survey. Here are the top things your kid is excited about right now . . .
1. The gifts. We thought that would be the obvious top choice, but it still only got 22% of the vote.
2. Visiting Santa, 20%. So when you’re standing in that long line at the mall, just know your kid is AMPED to be there.
3. Decorating the house, 20%. That includes hanging ornaments on your tree.
4. The food, 11%. Lots of big family dinners this time of year.
5. No school, 8% of the vote. We thought that one would rank a little higher.
Seeing extended family just missed the Top 5 with 6% of the vote. Cookies and other sweets are next with 5%.