1. People with ‘B’ blood type tend to be resistant to most Norovirus strains.
2. About 35% of people never get their wisdom teeth.
3. The Houston Rockets didn’t get their name because of the NASA space center there. They actually started as the San Diego Rockets in 1967, and got their name because San Diego had a lot of aerospace companies.
When they relocated to Houston in 1971, the name still worked, so they kept it.
4. John Tyler joined the Confederacy during the Civil War, and died before the war was over. So, he’s the only president whose death was not recognized in Washington . . . and he’s the only president to rest under a flag not of the United States. A Confederate flag was draped over his coffin.
5. 60% of all the drinks Starbucks sells are customized . . . and they claim there are over 170,000 ways to customize beverages at Starbucks.