Looks like these crazy last few years have us reaching for the hard stuff more: Liquor sales just passed beer sales for the first time ever.
Spirits made up 42.1% of all alcohol sales in the U.S. last year, according to a new report . . . just enough to beat beer at 41.9%. Wine is a distant third at 16%.
It’s the 13th year in a row liquor sales have gained. Two decades ago, it wasn’t even close. Beer had a 54% market share, and liquor was at 30%.
One big reason for it is canned cocktails are getting more popular. Sales of pre-mixed cocktails were up almost 36% last year. Tequila and mezcal are getting more popular too, with a 17% bump. Then whiskey is next.
Sales of American whiskey like Jack Daniel’s jumped 10.5% . . . Irish whiskey, 7% . . . and Scotch, about 4%. Gin sales also jumped 3%, while sales of vodka and rum stayed pretty flat.
Brandy and cognac were the only types of booze that saw a significant drop in popularity. Sales fell by about 12% last year.