I found a list of movies that are supposedly not as good as everyone thinks. And I gotta say I don’t really agree with this list at all. I feel every movie on this list is A+ good. But I’m not the end all say all.
I’ve got the list posted on towards the bottom of the post. Do you agree with the list? Or do you think something should be added or taken away?
1. “Avatar”: Stunning visuals, but not much else.
2. “Inception”: More pretentious than ambitious.
3. “The Dark Knight Rises”: Pales compared to its predecessor.
4. “The Blind Side”: Suffers from a white-savior complex.
5. “Shakespeare in Love”: Didn’t deserve best picture.
6. “La La Land”: Not the modern musical it wanted to be.
7. “V for Vendetta”: Created a famous symbol, not a movie.
8. “The King’s Speech”: So well-made, it’s bland.
9. “Rebel Without a Cause”: Feels superficial.
10. “The Blair Witch Project”: Iconic, but not scary.